The KTH Reactor Hall. Photo: Jann Lipka
7th Nordic STS Conference
STS in and out of the Laboratory
June 11-13, 2025, Stockholm
PhD-student pre-conference 10 June: Method labs
Preliminary program:
Wednesday, Stockholm University
10.00 Registration and coffee
11.00 Parallel sessions 1
13.00 Lunch
14.00 Parallel sessions 2
15.30 Coffee
16.00 Keynote session 1
18.00 Reception
Thursday, Royal Institute of Technology, KTH
9.00 Parallel sessions 3
10.30 Coffee
11.00 Parallel sessions 4
12.30 Lunch
13.30 Parallel sessions /study visits/
15.30 Coffee
16.00 Parallell session 5
17.30 break up and move to reception venue
18.30 Reception
Friday, Stockholm University
9.00 Parallel sessions 6
11.00 Coffee
11.30 Parallel sessions 7
13.00 Lunch
14.00 Keynote session 2
15.45-16.00 Closing remarks
Program subject to changes
Contact us
Conference Secretariat: Academic Conferences
Phone: +46 18 67 10 34 or +46 18 67 10 03
Conference Secretariat email:
Open Panels and Abstract Secretariat: